Wednesday, September 28, 2011

PAT Testers " The Unique Electrical Test Equipment - ArticlesWide ...

A lot of accidents can be prevented if only people would test their electrical appliance regularly. The frequency of the testing would depend on two factors.
The kind of surroundings the equipment is used in.
The nature of the appliance.
PAT testers serve this purpose. Wont a multi-meter do the job? That depends on whether you are testing just for earth continuity. There are 3 types of testers you can choose from.

The Basic Testers
Most businesses can make do with the basic pass or fail PAT testers. The pass or fail display makes it easy for just about anyone to use these. They come in 2 varieties.
Main powered testers - these display whether an appliance has passed or failed the test. Ideal for use with appliances at home, in schools, at the office etc. They come with pass/fail labels that can be slapped onto the tested appliance.

Testers powered by Battery " more convenient than the main powered ones because you can carry this electrical test equipment to the appliance. No hassle of trying to find a convenient electrical socket. The batteries that come with these are usually rechargeable. These testers check the polarity, continuity of earth and resistance of the insulation. A basic system with lights, displays whether the appliance has passed or failed the test.

The Advanced Testers
This model is meant for professionals and people who know what they are about. This electrical test appliance, displays additional test data. You should know how to interpret the test readings though. When testing earth continuity, the advanced PAT tester, picks up some faults that a multi-meter misses. Used to test earth leakage, fuse and lead polarity, it also tests appliances with 230 V as well as 110 V. It records the location and status of the tested appliance making log-keeping easier. Some models are equipped to test RCD function. This is to check if the trip time is still inside of the recommended limit.

PAT Testers that are Computerised
The information recorded in these testers can be downloaded to your computer. In the Bluetooth enabled ones, the transfer of data is two way. Bluetooth also ensures that the device is connected to label printers and other accessories sans cable.
To ensure continued accuracy of your PAT tester, its calibration has to be checked periodically. It should be re-configured if required.

For more information about PAT tester and Multimeters ,please visit on our website at:

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