Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hot Summer Night

It was a warm summer evening and a small wire had just begun. George looked out the back door of his apartment and decided that was just a short walk along the street with her dog Lucky, what he needed. He felt trapped at home all day and all night while he was cleaning it in preparation for the visitor is expected tomorrow.

"Come on, Lucky!" He said, "we are there for a walk!"

George took a bag of garbage and put the leash and went back to Lucky. Heleft the bag in the dumpster in the alley. He and Lucky had done about half a block, the feeling of pinpricks "of rain has affected the skin and enjoy the cool breeze, if ?

The focus came from the police helicopter. "Stay where you are!" Thundered the voice from the speaker.

"Just my luck," thought George. "The first time in years I try to run in the rain and I run into a patrol!"

A soldier of the police had a rope ladder that stretches fromthe helicopter. "Documents," he said. George went through his pockets and gave the soldiers the smart card identification, the Office of the Surgeon General / Midwest Region had his last birthday, and the smart card license issued Lucky Dog. The soldier ran the cards through his computer from his pocket and read the reading.

"They may not show in the rain on foot! Studies, is that people of your genotype, a high probability of cold, which can lead to a reductionResistance in general and other diseases. "The agent George handcuffed and brought him back, and the lucky dumpster." You are an irresponsible son-of-a-bitch! "Did the soldier." I'm going to do a spot check of your garbage! "

Just my luck! George thought again, if it were not for bad luck, I do not have no luck at all he began to whistle the old blues song, in itself, almost half-consciously. Stop it now! The soldier screamed. Do not you know that the raceAir between the teeth has been shown that promote tooth decay? The agent has started to move through the garbage bag and George you will find the box empty candy wrappers and George had obtained from hot dogs on the black market. He looked again at the card-reading George. "This stuff is not allowed on your diet!" Cried the soldier.

George groaned. He thought back wistfully to the old days, back in the first decade of the century, the first sentence of the health-conscious, enthusiasticits success in smoking and alcohol and drug use reduction laws could regulate human behavior in order to promote a better fit personal health ? above all else. The powers of the office of the Surgeon General, once worked primarily in education and health advisory has been extended and a number of national compulsory genetic testing have been established, combined with an identity card.

"And" for your own good! "The soldier smiled." They would have made yourDeath of cold, if we do not come! Ruining your teeth and digestion! By pulling the dog in this humidity. "The soldier was ready to take George to some counseling sessions with a psychologist government, but yielded when it was planned that the House Safety & Inspection Agency scheduled cleaning of the house for George learned tomorrow." I'll let you go with a warning this time! said the soldier, but do not happen again themselves. "

"It is not official, I promise," GeorgeHe said. Happy mad at the ground when the soldier returned to his helicopter. George carefully remove the urine from the street with her empty pocket and went back to his apartment to finish cleaning.

Copyright (c) 2011 Max G. Bernard, All rights reserved.


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