Friday, September 16, 2011

Investing ? Q&A: How do you start smart investing in stocks ...

September 15, 2011

Investing Question by Solution: How do you start smart investing in stocks?
I was told to do stock options over investing in stocks? Yet,I find the risk factor is too high in options. So I rather invest more in stocks and see what type of outcome manifests itself. What would be the first step? Besides going on these sights like Etrade etc. Is wall street still open for the little guy? Please help!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Susie T
The first step is to educate yourself. There are many books on investing (Investing for Dummies?), and many, many online sites that can help. Every major investment company has a web site with educational info (Schwb, Vanguard, Fidelity, T Rowe Price). Also every mutual fund company. Most novice investors start with money markets and mutual funds. See for info and fund evaluations.

You need to understand a) the risk of whatever you invest in. There are different kinds of risk, and EVERY investment has SOME kind of risk, even Treasuries.
b) how the investment works: will it produce interest income, dividend income, capital gains, tax writeoffs? How valuable each of these is to you depends in part on your tax bracket and what your goals are (how far along in life you are?are you investing shortterm and need money in x years or months, or are you investing for your children?s education or for your own retirement?) Don?t invest in anything you don?t understand!
c) if someone is selling this product to you, what is their commission? Some products cost 7% upfront. This reduces the amount that is actually invested. If you are buying online, what is the per-trade commission? Are cheap commissions important to you, or is it more important to have a person you can talk to and ask questions of? This will determine WHO you invest with.

Here?s a web site with lots of info:

And here?s a picture of the ?investment risk pyramid?, showing least risky investments, going up to the most risky investments.

Good luck to you!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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