Sunday, March 4, 2012


Hey, for reference until this whole posting-time thingamajig is sorted out, here are the IC posts thus far (in order).
The posts here will be formatted as such:

Poster name Characters in this post: (link to the profile for the poster's character)

Insert post here.

Got it? Now, on to the actual posts! ^_^

Forensic_Anthro Characters in this post: Tahra

Tahra peered over the side of the well, staring at the four people that had just climbed out of it wearing very strange clothing. Ears twitching as she stared, curiosity overcame her and she poked her head up farther.
"What strange people!" she bounced around the well and peered up at the odd people that had just appeared.
Jumping very ungracefully up onto the edge of the well, she put her hands on her hips. "Hey! You really don't look like you're from around here!" tail swishing behind her as she waited for one of the four people to say something, Tahra tilted her head to the side, her curiosity evident.

"Oh! I should go get the others!" already forgetting that she had asked a question, Tahra grinned at the group, "C'mon! You've got to come meet them!"
Bouncing down from the well, Tahra took off toward the village, pausing at the treeline to smile back at the group. "I'll go on ahead and get the others. I'll meet you at the village!"
It obviously didn't occur to the fox girl that they might not know where the village was. Racing to the village, Tahra went in search of her comrades, calling their names very loudly. Sitting on the ground in the middle of the village, she waited for her friends to show up so that she could drag them out to the well and show them the people she'd discovered. It wouldn't take long for the friends to find their way to the village after all, they could just follow the sound of Tahra's yelling. Anyway, the village was just on the other side of the trees; not far at all from the well.

Armageddon Characters in this post: Deirdre

"What strange people!" Deirdre's jaw-dropped. What...was that jumping about them like a hyperactive rabbit? Or, I guess it's a fox... She realized, focusing her emerald eyes on the fox ears, the creature still chattering. How hard did I hit my head on the side of that well again... She wondered, rubbing her head that had previously been smacked against the wall when the creature attacked, brushing her long black hair away from her face with her free hand, still not too sure what that was. She did kind of feel like her heading was spinning and half-expected to wake up any moment now and have her friends ask her why she seemed to think they'd grown ears.

Deirdre just then realized that she'd been so focused on her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed that the fox-human...thing - Or whatever it was - was now bounding away.

"Others...There's others?" Deirdre wondered aloud, feeling like she was staring blankly into thin air like a fool. Would the others be as strange as this one? And where...were they? Was this all a bizarre dream? Finally pushing aside her dizzy feeling, she turned and looked at her friends, Keisuke, Saeko and Molly, "Are you all right?" She asked, using her rare, concerned voice, taking a step toward her friends, attempting to smooth down her school uniform as she looked her friends over for injuries. They certainly weren't anywhere familiar, she thought to herself, having noted olde scenery earlier.

ArcticFox Characters in this post: Keisuke

It had started out as an ordinary day. Go to school, then attend clubs, spar Saeko (which he lost), then shower and change into some normal clothes before meeting his friends at the front of the school. From there they would decide what to do, and today they had just happened to decide to hang out in the forrest near the sacred well. It was a place where he'd always felt that he could relax the most, but for some reason something strange had happened and they'd all somehow ended up at the bottom of the well. Keisuke had decided to stay behind and allow his friends to climb out first in so that he could catch them if any of them fell, no one needed any more injuries than the one's that they'd already sustained from the first fall. He watched each of them carefully looking for the first signs of one of them about to lose their footing so he could leap into action right away when he saw Deidre stop. "Deidre-chan, what is it? What's going on up there?" he shouted up to her unable to see pass her or anything at all that was outside the well.

FalloutRomanae Characters in this post: Molly

Molly pulled herself up to the top of the well shakily. "Wow... is Japan always that amazing and slightly alarming and maybe terrifying?" she grunted snarkily. She was in one of her manic phases at the moment, which is why she had taken the dare to go down the well in the first place. This phase was often accompanied by light-hearted sarcastic remarks and little energetic quips. "'Cause if it is, I might not want to go back to Ame-" she stopped talking abruptly, staring in amazement at the little creature before her. Interested by the odd commotion, Molly quickly replied, "Oh, I'm not from around here, you're right. I'm from America!" She heard Keisuke yell something up from below, but she didn't answer. This was just too interesting.

'Oh! I should go get the others! C'mon! You've got to come meet them!' Molly's brows furrowed at the creatures small attention span. Then she started to run off, so Molly climbed quickly over the top of the well, trying to follow her. This attempt was done shakily, however, and ended in the girl smashing down onto the ground in a heap. Then she got up and dusted herself off. Looking around, she turned to Deidre. "I'm fine." she replied reassuringly. "But... this isn't the same well we fell down." She stared at the ground intently for a moment, thinking. Shaking her head, she asked, "You?"

KapugenWolf Characters in this post: Saeko

Saeko watched as the small girl with fox ears jumped around excitedly, chattering away and asking questions that she immediately forgot about. Her hand automatically reached for the kendo sword that wasn't at her side, she had left it at school today. A growl of irritation came from her as the fox-girl ran off, seemingly to get 'the others.' She heard a small thud behind her and turned around to see Molly on the ground. Just as she went to help her friend up, Molly stood up. Saeko smiled when Molly indicated that she was okay. She noticed Keisuke wasn't out of the well yet. Walking over to the old well that had somehow brought them here, she looked down to see him still climbing.

"Come on Keisuke, I may be faster than you, but you're not usually this slow," she teased, crossing her arms over the edge of the well.

After a moment, she straightened up and turned around, looking at her other two friends. Being the oldest, she always tried to look out for them, make sure they don't get hurt, etc.. She couldn't see any injuries on her friends so, satisfied, she allowed herself a small smile.

"I'm not sure I want to find out who these 'others' are..." she spoke, putting air quotes around others.

ArcticFox Characters in this post: Keisuke

As soon as everyone was out of the well he began climbing, figuring that this would be the only way that he'd get anyh answers since none of his frinds were answering him. He was half-way out when Saeko called down to him, teasining him. "Come on Keisuke, I may be faster than you, but you're not usually this slow," she teased, crossing her arms over the edge of the well.

I was making sure that none of you fell while climbing out Saeko-chan," he called back, ignoring the tease. As soon as he was out he took a good look around them, also noting the strange surroundings. Then he looked back and examined the well, and what he found he couldn't believe. "Saeko-chan, I think that this is the exact same well that we fell down, only it looks newer," Keisuke stated hesitatingly before quickly standing up in panic. "I say we find a place to lay low and try to figure out what exactly happened before we go off and do anything else," he suggested, but when he looked up he noticed that two of his friends were already walking off somewhere. "Hey! Come back here! We can't be just stumbleing about here, we need to get our barings first," he shouted after his friends as he ran after them.

I'm a Radical Dame! Characters in this post: Jin

Jin had just thrown his shirt on a nearby boulder, and was bending down by the edge of a stream to splash his face with the cool water. But before he could, Tahra's hollering of his name permeated his eardrums.

"What's with her??." he wondered to himself, a bit confused.
Jin could tell she wasn't in danger by the tone of her voice though, she he'd take a few moments to splash his face with the water like he originally planned to, before standing, throwing his shirt over his right shoulder, and heading into the middle of the village to find the peppy fox demon.

Sure enough, there she was........sitting on the ground repeating the same names over and over again at the top of her lungs.
Jin just shoved his hands in his bottoms wide side-pockets, and walked up beside Tahra shaking his head. "Could you possibly be any louder?" he said softly, with a small smile....which was enough to show the girl that he wasn't trying to be mean. "Keep it up and you'll wake the entire village.....some still sleep at noon Tahra, you should know that.......but anyways, care to explain what's going on though as we wait for the others?"
His demeanor, & voice was almost always calm when around the others.....and today was no different.

SlayerofYaks Characters in this post: Katsu

Crimson spread slowly across the ground, collecting flecks of dirt and following the jagged cracks left from an unknown source. As the dawn approached, tiny palms are raised forward to a tall shadow. Whispers of faded words echoed as if they were distant, despite being so clearly in front of the small kneeling figure. A swift force brought the hands to the crimson-stained ground and the shadow turned away.

"I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!" The cries of a child broke through the muted silence as the figure faded into a misty background. "Papa! Don't go!"

Jolting awake, Katsu panted heavily, sitting up from his lying position in the sunshine. He cradled his face in his palms as he regained his composure. The nightmare, a memory from far too long ago. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, blinking the restless sleep from his grey eyes before stretching and dragging himself to his feet. Absently, his hand slid through his hair to brush it out of his vision as he took stock of his surroundings. The half-demon had fallen asleep in a patch of soft grass just outside of the village at some point during the late evening. His white ears swiveled to catch the sounds nearby. "What a beautiful day." He yawned, spotting his current weapon of choice.

He groaned, tugging the wide onix blade out of a nearby tree. It was the easiest way to keep it from getting stolen, considering he doubted any human was strong enough to lift the unwieldy weapon, let alone pull it from being wedged in an old tree. Not that he was fond of the massive sword, considering it was incredibly difficult to wield and uselessly heavy, but he went through a considerable series of trials to drag the thing from the depths of a haunted crypt. The legends from which he learned of the sword had lost its name over time, making it worthless to him until he could manage to uncover it. These legends described it as a weapon that reshaped itself to the needs of its wielder. But until he could get the thing to work with him, it was a heavy slab of stone with an impractical amount of handles to grip it with.

A strange scent danced upon the wind. It was different from the small fox and the demon hunter he was familiar with. It was strong mix of smoke, sweat, something sour, and something sweet. He tilted his head, his long white tail swishing with an anticipation. "I smell something troublesome on the wind. I shouldn't investigate." He stated, straightening his top before sighing heavily. "Of course, I'm to investigate against my better judgement. I should just go and avoid all this trouble." He grumbled under his breath, unable to bring himself to simply leave. With a thick leather strap, he tied the massive blade to his back and took off in the direction of the bizarre new scent.

The half-breed leaned over a rooftop, looking down upon the small fox-demon and the demon slayer as a small handful of human-looking people approached the village from the direction of the well in the forest. He sat down, folding his legs and leaning his head against his palm. "They smell mostly human." He muttered, content to simply watch and avoid interacting. He didn't like the demon slayer much, considering his better half was in fact demonic. His feelings toward the small fox demon weren't particularly fond ones either, however, out of the acquaintances he had made over the previous six months, he found that she was the least likely to attempt to murder him. "This is going to ruin my day, I can just tell."

Armageddon Characters in this post: Deirdre

"Well...I think we're still in Japan. Just not regular Japan." Deirdre murmured to her friends, hearing the fox child yelling off in the distance. Once she was positive that none of her friends were badly injured, she took off jogging toward the sound of the yelling fox child. She couldn't help but be intiruged by this mysterious world. Sure she was rather shaken by what had happened back at the well...the bizarre creature, and yes she was worried for her friends, but they still didn't know how to handle themselves out here...maybe they needed help from the fox creature or something. She wasn't sure if this was all a wild dream created by that good knock to the head she'd recieved or what, but this whole place looked eerily familiar, she thought to herself as she heard the fox child's shouts getting louder and louder before slipping through the trees and approaching the village.

Once inside the village, Deirdre let her eyes scan the new area she'd just stepped into, biting her lower lip in nervousness. People were looking at her oddly, murmuring amongst themselves about her school uniform and such. She listened, trying to tune out the village chatter and focus on finding the fox creature.

There! Deirdre spotted the fox demon and...she froze mid-step when she saw Jin, her emerald eyes widening slightly. Why was the perky fox talking to nicely toned, rather attractive man. She realized he wasn't much taller than her as she forced herself to move forward, hearing the villagers point out more things about her - rather loudly - that were strange.

Forensic_anthro Characters in this post: Tahra

Tahra glanced over her shoulder as Jin approached, pausing in her continuous call to offer him a wave of greeting. She did a double-take as she realized that he was shirtless.
"Well, I could probably yell a lot louder, but I figured that might scare off the weird people. You know, you could walk around like that a lot more often." she was still a bit distracted by the fact that there was a very well muscled guy standing there.
"Er. Anyway," she started talking faster, "there were these really strange people that came out of the old well. I was over there looking for acorns, since that's the best place to find them, and all the sudden I heard these weird noises coming from in the well and then these people climbed out and the girls were wearing these really tiny outfits and there's no way they'd been in the well a minute before 'cause I'd been there all along and I would've smelled them, right? So they climbed out and this one girl looked really freaked out when she saw me, so I asked them where they were from and one girl said some place. Ameri-something-or-other. Then I had them follow me but I went ahead to come get you guys and they haven't come yet, and you should really walk around shirtless more often. It really works for you, so you should 'cause you know, there are girls and you don't have one and I'm pretty sure everyone would appreciate it. Oh look, one of the strange people! Hi well-person!" she waved at Deirdre, who she had spotted walking into the village.
"And see, I'm not crazy, that's one of the well-people!" she bounced to her feet and ran over to the girl, who was already being talked about by the villagers, whom had come out of their huts to find out why Tahra was yelling.

Grabbing the girl's hand, she led her over to Jin. "Jin, meet one of the well-people. Well-person, meet Jin."

KapugenWolf Characters in this post: Saeko

Saeko followed behind Deirdre the entire way to the village, keeping an eye on their surroundings so they would be able to get back to the well. She easily ignored the stares and comments from the villagers. She had gotten enough of them by being kendo captain that she was used to it by now. When Deirdre stopped, staring at the shirtless man, she continued walking. She snorted in a very unladylike manner, she had seen enough shirtless men to last her a life time and it no longer bothered her, or surprised her. When she saw the small fox girl, her eyes were immediately drawn to the ears on her head. This is a very weird place. What is she? she thought as she stopped a few feet from the shirtless man.

Quickly, her eyes trailed over the form of the man, not to see his body but to maybe find a clue as to where they were. She sighed quietly when nothing revealed itself and settled for watching the little fox girl. The girl was very.... hyperactive, and Saeko couldn't help but be reminded of herself when she was young. Not gonna think about that... she commented in her own mind, steering herself clear of the subject of her childhood.

FalloutRomanae Characters in this post: Molly

Molly nodded to Saeko. "Well, she is kind of creepy-looking, but she seems friendly enough." Then Deirdre took off after the creature. "Hey, wait! Aren't we going to think about this?" Then Keisuke went too. "Hey- Wai-" Then Saeko. Molly shook her head. What was wrong with these people? "Hey!" she shouted, "Keisuke's right, we should probably think about this a little more!" Then she looked around and realized that she was now by herself. "Hey, uh... Nevermind, I'm coming too!" Sprinting off after them, she began to mutter under her breath. "Wow, a random fox creature! Let's go run after it! This isn't Disneyland, people!"

She soon broke into a clearing in which was a village of some sort.To her relief, Deirdre, Saeko and Keisuke were all present and unharmed. They appeared to have found the fox creature and they were now talking to a rather imposing young man - he was very muscular and had some sort of tatoo trailing down his right arm. Molly, a little out of breath, walked over to the group just in time to hear the little fox-girl say that his name was Jin. "Hello," Molly panted as politely as she could, "May name is Molly. Nice to meet you."

It was at that precise moment that Molly realized how ridiculous the whole situation was. These people could be vicious enemies posing as friends, or any number of things. They could be cultists, or cannibals, or... anything bad, really. Or this whole thing could be a hallucination. This wasn't the sort of thing she usually hallucinated, though, so that probably wasn't it. What was going on?

I'm a Radical Dame! Characters in this post: Jin

Tahra was one to talk a mile a minute, and most would either find it hard to follow the girl, or just too annoying to listen for long. But not Jin, he calmly listened to every word that zipped out of her mouth about the strange people she had spotted by the well........and a look of slight befuddlement appeared on his face, as the young girl mentioned him "having no one", and that going shirtless was a good way to solve that.
Never having had feelings for a girl in such a way, Tahras statement was almost enough for Jin to want to put his shirt back on.......but before he could, the ever-hyper fox demon pointed out one of the strangers, a young girl, as she walked into the village.
"And see, I'm not crazy, that's one of the well-people!" said Tahra, before she ran over to grab the girls hand.

As the girl was being pulled over, Jin happen to notice Katsu up on the roof, and nodded his head up slightly at the if saying "hey", before slipping into his shirt. He wouldn't get it tied though before Tahra and the girl were standing in front of him, and a group of villagers began to form behind them.

He didn't know what to say at first, but the second he caught eye of her attire the words "what strange clothing..." slipped out of his mouth.

"What is wrong with that girl?"
"Look at their clothing!"
"Is it a demon?"
"Are they human?"

Were all statements Jin could hear coming from behind him, as the rest of the "strangers" began to appear.
"I think these people must be slightly blinded by the sun..." Jin joked to Kirara, who had just jumped atop his head "....because it's obvious these are humans. But the clothing...."
He'd step back from the girl, and peer over her shoulder at the others for a moment......before eventually looking back to her.
"What village are you all from??" he asked, as Kirara jumped from his head to his shoulder to get a better look around. "Wherever it is, you sure have strange and well, revealing, clothing" he'd added on w/ a small laugh & smile.

Armageddon Characters in this post: Deirdre

Deirdre stared at the fox child as they began pulling her toward the man - Tahra, she believed the man known as Jin had called her, seemed to be in hyper-active mode, and her friends seemed to be joining them now, she looked at Keisuke, Saeko and Molly in relief, glad they'd decided to join her as she looked up at Jin rather dumbly, not too sure why her mind seemed to have gone fuzzy, all she could seem to hear was the chatter of the village, not really noting the fox childs happy voice or the man's now.

"What village are you all from?"
The man known as Jin asked as a cat-creature jumped onto his shoulder. "Wherever it is, you sure have strange and well, revealing, clothing." He laughed at that. Are we in the past? What the hell...they seemed to be in another dimension or something. She blinked her emerald green eyes in confusion, "I'm not too sure where we are." She informed Jin, reaching up and touching her aching head, and then removing her pale hand from her dark hair when she felt something damp. Her hand came away red. Huh, how'd I miss that earlier? She thought, assuming she must've hit it on the well when they fell. She shook her head, now knowing why she felt dizzy. Oh, well. Just don't pass out and we'll be alright. She thought, a little amused and nervous at the thought. She'd fainted once and that was a process she did not want to repeat. She didn't like the feeling of just blacking out.

Glancing up and about, she thought she saw another boy with and white ears? She turned away from the fox-child and Jin to try and get a better look...One of her friends could try to get more information, she thought.

Alright. I'm pretty sure that's all of the posts and they're in the right order. Let me know of any corrections? :)


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