Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pets Possess the Capability to Reduce Stress at Workplace ...

As per a recent research, which has been published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management, it has been revealed that bringing pets at work place can reduce stress to a great extent. It is not a hidden fact that pets gives their owner a sense of complete satisfaction, and now, its use has been extended to workplace.

Lead researcher Randolph Barker, a professor of management at Virginia Commonwealth University's business school in Richmond, said that in order to reach at the above given conclusion, they conducted an experiment at Replacements Ltd.

It is a firm which specializes in selling stoneware, crystal and other dinnerware. The firm is also known for allowing its employees to get their pets along at the office. There are many staff members, who bring their pets at the office.

The company's Chief Executive said that Replacements ahev been allowing its employees to bring pets for last two decades. The study researchers enrolled 76 employees and divided them into three groups. The first group was the one, which has pets and bring them along at workplace, second group was the one, which has pest but left them at home, and third group was the one, which did not have pets.

In order to know the level of stress, the study researcher took saliva samples and also conducted surveys for one week. After the completion of one week, it was found that employees, who brought their pets along were having a unique dog-related communication and more were calmer than other two groups.

Barker said, "The differences in perceived stress between days the dog was present and absent were significant. The employees as a whole had higher job satisfaction than industry norms".

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