Thursday, March 1, 2012

caseyclayton4 - MEDI Opportunity: Meet With Global Carriers and ...

By Andrea Wahbe on Feb 28, 2012 / Categories: CDMN News, Featured

The International Trade Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDI)?is pleased to announce that they now have seven international carriers?and system integrators from six countries seeking innovative Ontario?suppliers of mobile content and applications, 4G and network technology,?SaaS, cloud, cyber security, biometrics and digital media.

The program will include a briefing on the market opportunities, pre-approved?1:1 meetings with the international buyers, networking breakfast, break and?luncheon, and information on Ontario IT export programs and services.

Senior?executives from the companies listed below will be in Toronto (March 20)?and Ottawa (March 22) at the invitation of MEDI.?The deadline to apply is Monday March 5, 2012.

1. ? ? ? Brazil ? Nextel Brasil (mobile telecom company focused on?Latin America)
2. ? ? ? China ? Shanghai Oriental Pearl Group (wireless broadcast,?media and communications)
3. ? ? ? China ? Netcraft Information Technology (network technology?and data communications)
4. ? ? ? Japan ? Softbank Mobile (mobile communications, broadband?infrastructure, and Internet culture)
5. ? ? ? Mexico ? GNSOL (systems integrator providing solutions for?security, networking and mobile)
6. ? ? ? Turkey ? Inovel (mobile application development for the B2B?and B2C markets)
7. ? ? ? USA ? Avaya Inc. (unified communications solutions provider)

FOR DETAILS AND TO APPLY for the seminar and 1?1 meetings in Toronto or?Ottawa, please download and complete the attached Application Form (in word format) and?send it to the respective contact for the city of your choice (see the document for details).


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