Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Your Questions About Creative Writing Classes | Writing and Speaking

August 14th, 2011 by admin

Lisa asks?

I know I want to take a creative writing class (maybe more writing classes) in college, but I?m not sure as to what else I should take. What majors? English Literature? A humanities class? I?m really interested in writing fiction. Also fantasy. That?s the one genre that really sticks out for me. Any help would be appreciated. 10 points for best answer!
P.S., I am in high school. I?m 16.

admin answers:

If you?re interested in fiction, an English degree would probably help you in some regards, and be most interesting for you to study. More than that, though, read everything you can get your hands on and write constantly. Professors will help you hone your skill but you have to have something to show them first.

Also, read ?On Writing? by Steven King. He has great advice with everything from finding an agent to the basics of writing. I just read it for my creative writing class & I really enjoyed it.

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Source: http://writing-and-speaking.com/your-questions-about-creative-writing-classes-7.html

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