Thursday, August 11, 2011

foot sore, neuropathy??: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Community

We have made it to 9 months OT. August is our diagnosiversary, so I am not having a great month mentally.


Last week, Micah hurt his foot. He did not even realize he had done anything until he came into the house from helping clean up branches, twigs, and leaves in the yard.

He said he realized there was some skin hanging and he yanked it off. Ouch. He really didn't complain about it to me, so I did not do anything. I SHOULD have cleaned the scrape and put antibacterial salve on it.


Anyway, that was a week ago. Thursday night already he complained that his foot hurt. But it was bedtime, and I didn't give it a lot of thought. By Saturday night, his foot was hurting a lot and the sore was red and inflamed. By Sunday morning, his foot was very tender and the top of his foot (the wound is right on the top of his instep) was swollen.


So it's Sunday and I am not wanting to make a trip to the ER, so we put a "drawing" potion on a bandaid, soaked the foot a few times during the day, etc. Still not better Monday morning, so we headed to the docs. He looked and said, yep, it's infected, here's some antibiotics. Keep it clean, soak it, antibac salve, etc. So one more day has gone by and it might look a little better this morning....but I am still having a hard time not worrying.


My bro says to me, when was his last CBC? Maybe he has a white blood cell problem. Aggh. Thanks dear bro for making this worrywart, worry even more!!!

His last CBC was four weeks ago. We go back to clinic tomorrow, but that seems forever away to be worrying....I'd like to have a good day today.


Overnight last night, I was thinking about neuropathy....this particular wound was the third time Micah hurt that foot in about 2 weeks. Could he be having some numbness and neuropathy in that foot?? Should I be worried about relapse from an infected scrape that is not healing quickly?? His color and energy are great. Not a bruise on his body. No swollen glands. So I feel like I should not be worried about relapse, but there it is always on my mind.


Please log in was any thoughts you have....including just some words of encouragement if you have any...




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