Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tolkien With a Twist: Veteran's Newly-Released Epic Fantasy Tale Thrills, Inspires, Teaches

Author J. Michael Fl?ck's second novel from Inspiring Voices is both parts entertaining story, wake up call for America.


As he grows older, author J. Michael Fl?ck has noticed that today?s American society and morals have been under increasing attack. The values of honor and courage that made this country great now seem to be slowly fading. For Fl?ck, a 25-year veteran of the US military and Operation Iraqi Freedom and a father of four, the only way he knew to reverse that trend was to entertain.

Enter Dragon Alliance: Dark Storm, Fl?ck?s new release and a thrilling story set in an epic world of dragons and sorcerers. The book, a mythical Tolkien-esque work of fiction, is sure to inspire readers with its essential messages of honor, right versus wrong, leadership, patriotism and friendship.

Fl?ck infuses traditional American values with action-packed fantasy in this second novel of the Dragon Alliance series.

?I wrote the Dragon Alliance books as a way to thrill my audiences but also as a vehicle for learning?, says Fl?ck, whose first book is title Dragon Alliance: Rise Against Shadow. ?My hope is that readers will not only be entertained by my stories and feel the anxiety and fear that soldiers experience when they go to war, but also will learn something about our country and its values along the way.?

For more information, visit http://www.inspiringvoices.com.

Dragon Alliance: Dark Storm

By J. Michael Fl?ck

ISBN: 978-1-46240-359-2

Softcover, retail price: $33.99

E-book price: $3.99

About the author

J. Michael Fl?ck has been serving in the US Army for twenty-five years, including time with the 56th Stryker Brigade during the Iraq War. He lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with his wife and four children. This is the second book in his Dragon Alliance series.

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Matt Zetzl
Bohlsen Group
Email Information

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/tolkien-twist-veterans-newly-released-epic-fantasy-tale-153042793.html

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