Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How Often Are You Single? - Empty Closets - A safe online ...

I've actually dated quite a bit. My first relationship was when I was 13. I was in a relationship with a guy and it lasted for 9 months. I know 13 seems too young, but we saw each other all the time. I broke up with him because he was too immature for me. It did hurt a lot but I always wondered why it only took me a few weeks to get over it. XD

Once I got into high school, my whole life changed. I realized I liked girls and I dated 4 girls in high school. The first one I fell in love with, and I was in love with her for 2 years. The 2nd one was controlling and unpredictable. The 3rd one was my best friend at the time. I realized I didn't love her the way she loved me, so I broke things off. I still feel bad about that. The 4th one was my first serious relationship. It lasted on-and-off for about 3 years. She actually left me because she started going back to church. I guess I'm still recovering from that. :/

But anyway, I've been single for 2 years now. I've had people (even friends) ask me out on a date, but I'm just not interested. I'm a bit picky, especially personality wise. :x
Several months ago, I actually tried dating the girl I broke things off with to see if maybe I could develop feelings for her. But there was still nothing there. So I had to break things off again. ._.


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