Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rebecca with an R: Love/Hate Relationships

I've been meaning to do another one of these posts, but I could only come up with things I hate. What does that say about my character? I promise I'm generally an?optimistic?person. So I'm just going to wing the love section today.


1// My Capri Blue Volcano Candle. It moves with me throughout the house. The coffee table while watching shows, the night stand while laying in bed, the corner of the bathtub while enjoying a soak.
2// I guess that brings me to point number 2. Baths. Baths are great.. when the ultimate purpose it not to actually get clean. Baths are great went the purpose is to get warm. However, even though our bath is unusually large for an apartment, (As is our bathroom. I can literally do cartwheels in there. Literally. And I do not use that word unless it actually means literally.) it's still not quite big enough to actually keep one's entire self warm all at once. My dream house has a big bathtub and a fireplace. Those are my only two requirements. Apparently I'm a really cold person.
3// The fact that winter finally showed up in Colorado, and we've gotten quite a few snow storms in the last month. (We had some cold days but most of our winter was sunny and ventured up in to the 60s)


1// The fact that winter finally showed up in Colorado, and we've gotten quite a few snow storms in the last month. (Yeah yeah, the white was great and cozy. But now I'm ready for warm weather.)
2// Missed belt loops. Missed belt loops on me. Missed belt loops on you. Aren't they just the worst? Is it wrong of me to have a very strong desire to go and tell people when they've missed a belt loop? Do they even care?
3// The fact that I conduct insane amounts of electricity. I have shocked Jason so terribly when he's come to give me a kiss that we jumped back, grabbing our lips while wincing?in pain. It has happened so frequently that I've taken to tapping his shoulder or cheek before we kiss to ensure that the lips do not suffer the brunt of the shock. Because shocked lips are the worst!


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