Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spotify Lands Major Studio Deals, Prepares To Launch Movie Service

Spotify continues to negotiate with Facebook over its long promised U.S. launch. But that isn't the only thing the music streaming service has been up to. They've negotiated a number of deals with major movie studios to offer users streaming movies as well as music, a source in the industry tells us. Earlier this week we reported that YouTube plans a similar service (something we first wrote about last year). As with Google/YouTube, we're not sure when Spotify will launch the new service. But our best information suggests this Fall. And these aren't your standard Netflix/Amazon/iTunes type movie deals, either, we've heard. Spotify is aiming to offer users much earlier access to movies. Similar to the release dates that hotel's get for premium in-room movies. They're expensive, but users can often see them just a couple of weeks after they've been in theaters.


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