Thursday, May 5, 2011

Relocating to a new city; advice for a newbie

Do you have hobbies or interests? Join groups or clubs or the gym or anything where there's people you can talk to. Otherwise you'll just sit in your house all day by yourself. Force yourself to talk to people even if it seems kind of corny. Invite your neighbors over for a bbq. Bascially at first you just need to meet people. Meeting people is invaluable, you never know who knows somebody who knows somebody! Be nice to everyone!

For example, several years ago I got a job as a front desk receptionist at a gym so I could feed myself while trying to startup a direct marketing business. It was an epic failure, and I made lots of mistakes and ended up broke and practically homeless... but not the point. I was friends with one of the housekeeping ladies, who barely spoke english, and I barely spoke spanish, but we would chat whenever things were slow. Turns out her best friend's husband was a career counselor at a local community college, so out of desperation I sent him my resume. A few months later, I got a call from a guy asking me if I wanted a job running the North American operations of an international electrochemical company. I went from a failing business that was bleeding me dry, making $9/hr part time at a dead end job, to traveling around the world for business overnight. Not exactly making millions, or fastlane or anything, but basically my life completely turned around because I was nice to the janitor!

Sometimes your next level of success comes from the most unexpected of places!


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