Monday, December 26, 2011

Catchphrase Executioner

Who exactly first thought this could be a super-cool way of referring to genitalia? Come on, identify yourself. No, it wasn?t that guy who told the TSA agent at the San Diego airport, ?Don?t touch my junk,? although he certainly gave the term nationwide exposure. It had been around before, but suddenly it blew up. For a while I thought it might have come from the ?Don?t tase me, bro? guy?it sounds like his kind of patois. Or maybe it was a hedge-fund guy warning a client about some worthless paper: ?Don?t touch my junk (bonds).? Wow, a harmonic convergence between bad sex and the bad economy. But I still kind of like ?Don?t tase me, bro? as a catchphrase?has anyone articulated the political philosophy of the Jeffersonian faction of the Founding Fathers more eloquently?


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