Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Supporters Market to Beg Palin to Join the 2012 Freak Show (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | Apparently some Republicans aren't done being embarrassed by lackluster candidates and fear the prospect of a Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich GOP nomination. According to the Daily Caller, Sarah Palin supporters are issuing a rallying cry to the party's "tease-in-chief" to change her mind about a 2012 run for the presidency and they're running an ad campaign in Iowa to plead their case. The former Ms. Wasilla beauty pageant winner announced in October that despite her love affair with the spotlight, she will not be seeking the GOP nomination in 2012.

I hope that the groundswell of support does succeed in changing Palin's mind. The reinsertion of Palin into the ongoing freak show that is the 2012 Republican nomination would breathe new life into what has already become stale fodder for both pundits and comedians. So, run Sarah! Run!

The fact the race has had so many front-runners coupled with this news that Palin supporters are so unhappy with the options presented them that spend money, time and effort trying to convince a woman whose governing experience consists of serving as the mayor of a town of fewer than 8,000 people and half a term as the governor of a state with fewer than 1 million residents, goes to prove the Republican Party is in complete disarray. They don't like Barack Obama, but they don't have a candidate that can beat him.

And the reason for the rift is simple. The Republican Party is so utterly split between fiscal conservatives and social conservatives that it's become near impossible to select a candidate who is simultaneously moderate and hard-line enough to woo both extreme factions that make up the majority of the active Republican electorate.

In short, there is not a candidate dead or alive who could fill the disparity gap that exists between the two sides of the Republican Party, so instead we get a freak show. Palin is no more a savior for the party than Rick Perry, or for that matter Chris Christie. The party is and should be split in two, each nominating their own candidates. When they sort that out, the Democrats will still win, but at least we'll finally see the end of the two-party system that is so firmly choking our nation into oblivion.


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