Saturday, November 12, 2011

Looking for a partner in crime again!

Hello y'all! :) I'm Ashley and I prefer to be called by my real name over my user name now that a lot of people already call me by my real name on her somewhat! :)

I am here to look for a role play partner because lately I have been feeling like doing more of these.

A few things first though!

- I am a girl and usually I like to play a girl as well.
- I will double but only if you do as well.
- I am open for just about anything except science fiction and a few other things.
- My main area of expertise is Realistic and then fantasy.
- I like some romance usually twisted in the plot but I don't like the plot focused on Romance.
- Also another thing about Romance I hate when people use love at first sight because really it's no realistic.
- I will NOT do a guy x guy rp but I am open to a girl x girl pairing but depends on the plot and I have to be really interested for it to work.
- I don't mine if you swear just please don't swear and curse like a sailor and also I will never go past kissing for romance.

Now for pairings...
Blue = I like it
Purple = I love it
* = I might have an idea for it.

Realistic pairings
City boy x cowgirl
Arranged marriage
Rival x rival
Bad boy x good girl
Rich person x poor person

Movie/ book pairs

Madhatter x Alice
Alice x Tom (From the book series the last apprentice by Joesph Delaney)
Harry Potter a Next gen pair
Peter pan x Wendy

I would love you for life if we did Alice x Tom (Only if you read a few books in the series though.)

Fantasy pairs

Werewolf x Hunter
Witch x Hunter
Werewolf x human
Witch x human
Fairy x human
Doll x human *

Feel free to suggest anything oh and I prefer to do threads for rps nine times out of ten! :)


joojoo joseph addai joseph addai michael jackson autopsy michael jackson autopsy liberace liberace

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