Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Effective Care to eliminate teeth plague

To ensure your teeth are healthy, it is traditional to brush and floss your teeth regularly.After this, what else can you do to keep plague away from your teeth?

Plague is a sticky mix of bacteria and the substances they excrete.When bacteria is in your teeth,it produces adhesive chemicals called mucopolysacharides.This releases the acid that damage teeth enamel. If not checked,creates holes in the teeth,commonly called cavities. Continuous negligence will see the plague harden,creating tartar or calculus on your teeth.

Once you have tartar, you need to see a dentist.It?s not easy to brush off, and if left longer, contribute to ginginvitis, or gum diseases.Keeping plague off your teeth is not complicated, but consistency is the key.

Some of the habits that make plague easy are;

Failure to brush regularly.If you fail to brush your teeth at least twice daily, gradually you invite plague.

And when brushing, use toothpaste that contains fluoride, then brush gently on all the surfaces of your teeth.

Failure to floss daily is another bad habit.Flossing clears away plague before they because damage.It helps clear plague at the gum line, and other areas your brush cannot reach.But failure to floss is an invitation to plague.

Indulging in sweet foods is against your teeth.Sugar, candies and sugary soft drinks leaves sugar sticking to your teeth, thereby giving bacteria something to munch.They digest the sugar into acid which damages the teeth.

Failure to rinse your mouth is a factor.Rinsing the mouth can help remove food particles from your teeth.It are advised you use fluoride based mouth wash products, to rinse your mouths and discourage germs and bacteria.

Failure to see the dentist is another factor.Avoiding the dentist when you actually have a teeth problem is only postponing the evil day.Regular check up is advised in order to detect and treat any teeth problem before they become a source of pain.

If you really need some teeth related products and solutions, using the internet will expose you to adequate information.

Now it is advisable you get a dental insurance to help you get access to quality care and attention. Caring for your teeth is basically your responsibility.If you develop good habits towards it, you are sure to be free from germs.However always seek professional advice.


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