Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Vampire Overview

Vampires are created by other vampires. One only turns into a vampire after having vampire blood enter their veins. This is often done deliberately, in a ritual, or by being bitten. The vampire turning the human will simply bite it's tongue, letting blood go into the human, turning them. Vampires require the blood of living humans to survive, and it is also addictive to them. The blood of the dead works like poison. Sometimes vampires live alone, or sometimes they hunt in packs.

+Faster and stronger than a normal human
+Sometimes has hypnotic abilities
+Often posses the ability to transform into mist, wolves, rats, or other things
+Stronger senses

+An oak stake to the heart
+Dead man's blood
+Holy water (burns)
+Sunlight will instantly kill very weak vampires, but usually only works to sting them. To strong vampires, the sun only works to slightly blind them.


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