Monday, April 2, 2012

Ecommerce Web Design Matters To Your Business www.nessbasch ...

ONLINE NEWS?Ecommerce?web design?lies at the heart of?online retail?success. The clarity, security, the functionality and the?user experience?are all key components of a profitable online?retail?presence. With?IMRG?(Interactive Media?inRetail?Group) reporting that online?retail sales?have increased 22% year on year, some organizations are clearly getting it right. Are you one of them? Is your ecommerce web design delivering? With these latest figures revealing the highest rate of increase in more than two years, equivalent of ?73 spent online for every consumer in the?UK?it seems clear that the rise and rise of online shopping is here to stay. Can you afford not to be part of it?

Are you serious about your?ecommerce design?or still experimenting, flitting around the edge of what is fast becoming a core component of many organizations? routes to market? You may already have invested in online retail and had your fingers burned. Maybe you?re still waiting, assessing the market and judging the right moment to make your move. You could be a brand new company looking to put a system in place. Whatever the reason, don?t delay too long. The bigger the head start you hand the competition the deeper they will cut into the market and the more business they will take from under your nose. When it comes to e-commerce there really is no time like the present. It?s time to make a commitment to?online retail, to think long and hard about your e-commerce web design and to work with an online retail partner with the knowledge and ability to help you achieve hard and fast sales growth.

You don?t need to reinvent the ecommerce web design wheel

You may have imagined that developing an?online store?was an expensive business involving lots of specialist programming,?ecommerce?web design and database work. Certainly that used to be the case. Previously, only the biggest, best resourced companies could afford to sell online. Not any longer, though. Now it?s perfectly possible to use an off the shelf solution and customize it to meet your exact requirements. Select a suite of tools that best suit your retail requirements and set them to work.

Where to turn for profitable ecommerce?web designs

Of course you will want to partner a provider experienced in delivering successful ecommerce web designs and supporting their clients in developing profitable online profiles. How can you identify a reliable company though? A quick look online will return a whole host of possible partners all promoting secure, user friendly and functional ecommerce web designs. What should you be looking out for? Strong testimonials and a strong and long-standing user base.??Ecommerce?web designs should also be flexible and feature rich, enabling you to run your business exactly as you want to. Look out for systems that offer ?customer loyalty schemes?, ?wish lists?, sophisticated pricing promotions, log on to? Digital Marketing Solutions?for more E- Commerce Web Design,?Social Media?&?Search Marketing,?Content Advertising?& Corporate?Video Productions.

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BREAKING NEWS?Marketing?Is Impossible Without Great Content. If You?re NotContent Marketing, You?re Not Marketing. Perhaps nothing says it better than content marketing. But what exactly is content marketing?

There are many names? let?s try to name them all. Custom publishing,?custom media, customer media, customer publishing, member media, private media, branded content, corporate media, corporate publishing, corporate journalism and branded media.

Truth is Content marketing is actually a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience ? with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

Keen to get started or learn more about content marketing? Check

As a matter of fact, content marketing is the art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling. It is non-interruption marketing. Instead of pitching your products or services, you are delivering information that makes your buyer more intelligent. The essence of this content strategy is the belief that if we, as businesses, deliver consistent, ongoing valuable information to buyers, they ultimately reward us with their business and loyalty. Read?

Content marketing is being used by some of the greatest marketing organizations in the world, including P&G, Microsoft,?Cisco Systems?and?John Deere. It?s also developed and executed by small businesses and one-person shops around the globe.

The reason? This strategy really works.

Today?s consumers have simply shut off the traditional world of marketing. They own a DVR to skip television advertising, often ignore magazine?advertising, and now have become so adept at online ?surfing? that they can take in online information without a care for banners or buttons (making them irrelevant). Smart marketers understand that traditional marketing is becoming less and less effective by the minute, and that there has to be a better way. Thought leaders and marketing experts from around the world, including the likes of?Seth Godin?and hundreds of the leading thinkers in marketing have concluded that content marketing isn?t just the future, it?s the present. Log on to?

Try reading the content marketing definition one more time, but this time remove the relevant and valuable. That?s the difference between content marketing and the other informational garbage you get from companies trying to sell you ?stuff.? Companies send us information all the time ? it?s just that most of the time it?s not very relevant or valuable (can you say spam?). That?s what makes content marketing so intriguing in today?s environment of thousands of marketing messages per person per day. Good content marketing makes a person stop? read? think? behave? differently.

As per the the Roper Public Affairs,?80% of business decision makers prefer to get company information in a?series of articles?versus an advertisement. 70% saycontent marketing makes them feel closer to the sponsoring company, while 60% say that company content helps them make better product decisions.

Imagine this ? what if your customer looked forward to receiving your marketing? What if when they received it, via print, email, website, they spent 15, 30, 45 minutes with it? Try?

As a business owner yourself, you surely can create marketing that is anticipated and truly makes a connection! You can develop and execute ?sales? messages that are needed, even requested, by your customers. Content marketing is a far cry from the interruption marketing we are bombarded with every minute of every day. This will be the way of live, the way to go in marketing for the present and the future.

Agree? Don?t wait. Take the next step by reviewing the full resources of?Content Marketing, which will answer just about every question that you may have about how content, marketing correctly, which can change your business, and your customers, for the better.

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ONLINE MARKETING?LATEST NEWS?This is a 180% growth from January to December 2011, and means that globally the UK is second only to Japan and Australia in percentage of?paid search?clicks from mobile.

Looking at 2011 overall, the Eurozone showed strong growth with share of?mobile paid search clicks growing 177% from 2.1% in January 2011 to 5.8% in December 2011.

Marin?s report, ?The State of European?Mobile Search Advertising?2012?, includes data from 50bn impressions and 1bn clicks delivered for more than 1,300 global customers.

It shows that advertisers are increasing mobile search budgets to reflect growing smartphone and tablet usage ? mobile search budgets increased by 191% from 3.2% to 9.3% in 2011.

Analysis of click-through rates found that consumers are more likely to engage with paid search adverts on?smartphones?and tablets as opposed to desktop computers.

Paid search?click-through rates?on smartphones are 54% higher than they are on desktops, while click-through rates on tablets are 68% higher.

The report also highlights that conversion rates on tablets are comparable to desktop computers at 4% against 4.7%, with cost per conversion 14% lower on tablets than desktops.

However these conversion rate stats are high compared to data from?Affiliate Window?s M-commerce white paper?which found that?the average conversion rate for iPad was 3.82% in August, compared to 1.9% for desktop.

Marin Software?managing director global agencies and international Ed Stevenson said that much like the desktop market search represents the largest destination for mobile ad budgets.

?The combination of explosive user adoption of mobile devices, coupled with favourable performance characteristics for ads, makes?mobile search?an increasingly critical growth opportunity for both advertisers and?Google.?

Marin?s data tallies with a similar report from Latitude?Digital Marketing?which found that mobile and tablet are now responsible for 13.4% of all paid search clicks.

Latitude?s Mobile Review also found that 11.9% of all?website?visits now come from mobile devices.


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Internet advertising?is a big deal and getting bigger ? generating almost $3 billion in revenue per year in?Canada.

According to the latest available figures from the?Interactive Advertising Bureau, ?In 2010,?online ad?revenues surpassed daily?newspaper ad?revenues. As a result, the Internet is fast on par with the Television in terms of share of total media advertising revenue (15.9 per cent). Online advertising?s 23 per cent increase from 2009 to 2010 also bested other major media, all but one experiencing only single-digit growth rates during this time.?

In past years this?advertising?spend was dominated by ?digital display? ads (i.e. banner or button ads and the like). In spite of years of dire predictions of the demise of banners, total spending on digital display ads in continues to increase, to the tune of $688 million in 2010, a 19 per cent increase year over year according to IAB.

Just because companies keep buying them doesn?t mean they are good. As amarketer?I?m not a fan of banner ads. I find them intrusive and their performance is abysmal. They feel like ads from a bygone era shoehorning their way onto the web. As Mike Chapman wrote in?AdWeek?last May: ?Everyone knows that clickthrough rates on banner advertising are appallingly low, measured in tiny fractions of a per cent these days. Dull old email gets click-through on average in the U.S. of five per cent or so, and even direct mail response rates still hover around three per cent, according to the Direct Marketing Association.?

Which probably explains why ad spending is growing faster in?search advertisingand pay-perclick (PPC) than in digital display. Marketers are looking for accountability in their media spending and performance-based payment systems. In other words, I only pay if the audience does something, like click on my ad.

IAB reports, ?Search advertising?continues to lead in terms of share of dollars booked by Online Publishers ($907 million/41 per cent),? which was a 22 per cent lift over 2009.

To better understand these alternatives to digital display I turned to Jeff Nelson, president at Anduro Marketing, an?Internet marketing?firm that specializes in search ads, PPC and?social media.

?Let?s look at it from both points of view,? said Nelson, ?the consumer and the marketer.

?The consumer has wants and needs, simple as that. Consumers need services and things. They need to buy things in order to satisfy these wants and needs. And they have many choices.?

Somehow the consumer must seek out information to make these choices.

?On the other hand,? said Nelson, ?the marketer wants to show ads to specific target groups ? market segments ? to help them satisfy these wants and needs.

From a segmentation point of view,?Google AdWords?allows me to target search terms for a geographical area but not any other segment characteristics like age, gender, marital status or interests.?Facebook, however, does allow demographic segmentation and targeting.?

Nelson points out there are pros and cons to both search and?Facebook?PPC. If someone is using search to find a product, store or category they are already in the buying cycle, so a click in that instance is perhaps more valuable.

On the Facebook side of things Nelson notes in addition to being tightly targeted, it is ?quick, easy, cheap and measurable.?

?Notice I didn?t say effective. The?bounce rate?for traffic from Facebook to a?web page?is still high ? often 80 per cent or more. But still the effort and costs are low so ads on Facebook are worth the investment.?

As Facebook adds new forms of advertising (sponsored stories for example) the line blurs between editorial and advertising, something we used to call ?advertorial? in my print days. If I get a story about Starbucks in my?Facebook news feed?and several of my friends have liked it and the call to action is ?click for a coupon,? is that creepy or handy?

Nelson says it?s handy. ?Consumers want to know about products that are relevant and of interest to them. What consumers don?t like is being interrupted with ads that have no relevance to their needs or wants.?

Chances are what your friend likes is something that could interest you and if they ?endorse? it, so much the better. Oh, hang on, I see Jeff is taking yoga now ? hmmm, I do have a sore back, maybe I should click?

Doug Lacombe is a social media speaker, strategist and trainer with?social media agency?communicatto.

Source:?The StarPhoenix

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BREAKING NEWS?Ecommerce?Growth Continuing For?Retail Industry research is not meant to necessarily inform us. Rarely one would come across research where there isn?t a moment of ?Yes, I have thought that was the case? or ?I figured just as much? especially when it comes to growth in the online space. We all know there is still plenty of room for growth and that growth should continue for quite some time.

Report from?Nielsen?entitled ?Retail USA: What?s in Store 2016? it seemed like something to check out from a general marketing perspective because the nature of retail is changing so rapidly that it feels like it is not just evolving but almost being re-invented.

This chart shows why.

The retail experience, regardless of the sector or industry is being transformed through the?online marketing?space. We know that just by how we manage our own shopping habits. These?CAGR?(compound annual growth rate) numbers are interesting in that the growth for?ecommerce?so far outpaces everything else it should be an encouragement to keep moving our efforts even more to the online space. Point of purchase?decision making?has forever been changed due to mobile devices. It?s not uncommon that a person goes to a store to try on something or to see it, touch it, feel it etc to help cement their buying decision then goes online to get the product in the right size AND for a better price. It?s scary to be in retail these days because the education level of the customer is exponentially higher at the time of purchase than it has been at any other time in history. Check out? more information.

What are you doing to capitalize on this continued move to ecommerce in yourbusiness? Have you sat back and said that your efforts are sufficient? Have you determined that your strength is the person coming into your establishment and being so blown away by the experience that they would only buy from you regardless of their options. Let me offer you a bucket of water to was off with after you pull your head out of the sand.

Source:?FRANK REED/ Marketing Pilgrim

Times have?changed. Has your business changed with?them? Invest in a professionalwebdesign, do up an efficient?ecommerce portal?for your business. If tonnes of money had been splashed in your phsyical site renovation, office decoration or shop front make- over,a fantastic?ecommerce website?can only broadcast your physical business to the entire?online?community, through powerful?search engine?marketing campaigns, targeting the preferred demographic via?social media?marketings & etc.

Start investing in a solid website today.?

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