Thursday, April 5, 2012

Benefits associated with hormonal contraception | Women's Health ...

Oral contraceptive pills, otherwise known as birth control pill, are the most popular and reliable form of hormonal contraception. They have proven to be almost 99% effective in preventing accidental pregnancy and millions of sexually active women in UK prefer birth control pills over condoms. Not so long ago, condom was considered the only means of contraception. However, the notion changed when several cases of condom tear and slip were reported. This made the sexually active women aware of the fact that they cannot count on condoms blindly. Oral contraceptive pills, on the other hand, have to offer number of benefits apart from just preventing pregnancy.

There are altogether 30 contraceptive pills available on prescription, out of which you can opt for the most suitable pill with least side effects on your body. Taking contraceptive pill is absolutely trouble free as you just need to take one pill every day at the same time so that you can enjoy sexual pleasure without worrying about parenthood. Every pill is different in its composition and thus your body would respond differently to all pills. Most of the birth control pills contains artificial progestogen and oestrogen, which work together to prevent you from conceiving. Some of the most common benefits which a contraceptive pill has to offer can be listed as less painful periods, improvement in acne, lighter periods, improved premenstrual syndrome and treating endometriosis.

The contraceptive pills prevent pregnancy in three unique ways which alters the environment of the reproductive system. Firstly, it puts a halt to the process of ovulation by making the body to believe that ovulation has already happened. As a result, no egg is released from the ovaries for fertilization. Secondly, it causes the thickening of the mucus at the neck of the cervix due to which a sperm is unable to penetrate the womb and reach an egg. Finally, it alters the uterine lining in such a way that an egg, if it gets released and fertilized, cannot implant itself and grow there.

There are four types of oral contraception: monophasic pill, phasic pills, Every Day(ED) pills and Mini-pills. Monophasic pills are the most common types of contraception which contains both oestrogen and progestogen. You need to take these pills for 21 days of your menstrual cycle followed by a break of seven days. Phasic pills contain different doses of hormones such as biphasic pills have two different doses, and triphasic have three different doses. ED pills are available in a pack of 28 pills, put of which seven are inactive. The mini-pills, on the other hand, contain only single hormone progestogen. The absence of oestrogen makes it more suitable for women are breastfeeding, smokers or above 35 years. You may experience some mild and temporary side effects while using these pills. The common side effects are headache, nausea, breast tenderness, weight changes and mood swings. You can buy contraceptive pills from any of the registered online pharmacies after a free and confidential online consultation with an authorized medical professional.


James News is very good publisher of health articles from last many years he had produced an informative articles on health, this time he had introduce contraception article for his targeted auidence. The artilce is for Women's and medication like Microgynon, Yasmin, cerazette, Marvelon.
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