Friday, July 29, 2011

Techno Blog ? The LG Optimus S Cell Phone: A Well-Designed ...

Th? LG Optimus S Cell Phone: A Well-Designed, Affordable Smartphone

F?r users wishing t? experience a mobile phone th?t ?? both simple ?nd powerful, th? newly released LG Optimus S Cell Phone ?? sure t? satisfy. Based ?n th? Android operating system, th? LG Optimus S offers smartphone functionality ?n a budget. Sprint adds t? th? appeal ?f th?? phone w?th ?t? n?w Sprint ID service, ?n ID pack wh??h allows users t? personalize th??r handsets w?th typical smartphone options th???ve come t? expect: including widgets, wallpapers, ringtones ?nd applications. At a cost ?f ?nl? $49.99 (w?th a 2 year service ?l?n ?nd $100 rebate), th? Optimus S ?? available ?n ?n? local Sprint outlet.

Boasting a 600 MHz processor running Android 2.2 Froyo, th? LG Optimus S Cell Phone comes equipped w?th a 3.2 megapixel camera w?th autofocus. A hefty ?nd slim, solid phone, th? Optimus features a 3.2-inch capacitive touchscreen, ?n FM radio, a virtual QWERTY keyboard, ?nd even a global positioning system (GPS). It?s outfitted w?th a microSD slot th?t ?? expandable up t? 32 GB; visual voicemail, f?r more personal ?nd informative asynchronous communications; a Mobile Hotspot capability supporting up t? 5 Wi-Fi enabled devices, th?t allows tethering, ?? well ?? simultaneous, 3G quality data sharing; th?? permits th? connecting ?f ?th?r personal computing devices such ?? laptops, game players ?nd cameras f?r f??t, 3G connection speed anywhere ?n th? Sprint 3G network. H?w???r th?? feature comes w?th ?n additional charges. Th? phone ?l?? features Bluetooth f?r wireless data transfer ?r earpiece communication.

On th? down side, th? LG Optimus S Cell Phone?s slower processor d??? prohibit th? ??? ?f Flash video ?n th? browser; n?r d??? ?t offer HD video capture ?r ?n LED flash f?r th? camera. Users report a very q???k ?nd responsive screen ?nd terrific keyboard ergonomics. Small, compact, ??t solid, sleek ?nd grippable, th?? phone overcomes ?t? drawbacks f?r being a newer model w?th fewer available accessories.

Th? Sprint Free Guarantee provides a full money-back guarantee ?n th? LG Optimus S Cell Phone. Customers wh? aren?t satisfied ??n return th??r phone device ?nd cancel th??r service ?l?n. Th?? ?l?n refunds ?ll money saved f?r usage, premium content, 3rd party billing, ?r international charges. Th?? ?l?? reimburse f?r ??r?h??? ?nd activation, w?th n? early termination ?r restocking charges, including tax.

Ehtisham Rabbani, th? corporate vice president ?f Marketing ?nd Innovation f?r LG Mobile Phones, ????, ?LG Optimus S brings users closer t? social networks, applications ?nd online resources th?t mean th? m??t t? th?m ?nd ?r??t?? a smartphone experience th?t ?? unique, easy t? navigate ?nd convenient f?r life ?n-th?-g?.? It? chic, slim design, ?nd rapid, convenient downloads ?f personalized ID packs ?r? sure t? b? a hit w?th consumers.

Add t? th?? affordable pricing ?nd wifi sharing capability, ?nd th? Sprint marketplace ?? sure t? remain a fresh resource f?r technical ?nd basic users. Th? LG Optimus S Cell Phone ??n b? personalized t? fit lifestyles fr?m sports fanatics t? fitness ?r auto enthusiasts; users ??n quickly shift between English ?nd Spanish. Th?? phone ?? well designed ?nd a g??d-looking performer f?r a reasonable price.


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